Stretch Marks

Nursing Bras at Nurtured Family

Saturday, September 23, 2006

I'm Not Even The Pregnant One!

Let me just start off by saying that no, Mrspatrick is not that boring, and I know I need to post, they don't call me a procrastinator for nothing. Truth be told, I did have a blog in mind about a week ago or so, but due to the impeding matrimony of ToG and Rogue that blog was put on hold until further notice. The problem is now I can't remember exactly what it was that I was going to blog about. So let's just start with a little catch up, shall we?

Until just recently not a whole lot has actually happened in the last month or so. We did have another doctor appointment, which I guess was a little bit of a hassle. Me and the doctor appointments have a love/hate relationship. I look forward to them a lot. They are pretty much my most direct link to the baby right now. It's the one chance I get to hear they baby's heart beat, and to find out how the baby is doing, and get a qualified medical opinion that everything is ok.

This is also where the hate part comes in. I get all amped up for these visits, way excited to get my next peek into whatever's going on in there. But then I start to worry. What if something has gone terribly wrong? What if my gene's just aren't good enough to actually make a baby? What if... What if..., ok I'm out of bad things to think about, plus I don't really want to think about them. So I start dreading and worrying about what the doctor is going to say, but at the same time I'm excited and really looking forward too it. Needless to say, I'm basically reduced to a jumble of mixed emotions... and I'm not even the pregnant one!

The last doctors appointment didn't really help any, either. Mrspatrick had an appointment set up a month ago. She would get off work early, like every other appointment, and then I would go and meet her. Well, Mrspatrick got there, and as I was on my way phoned me to let me know that her appointment was cancelled. Augh! You're kidding me... I just spent the last week anticipating and agonizing just for the appointment not even to happen? Turns out the doctor had a sick kid, and being a good mom stayed home with them, and the appointment was scheduled for a week later. Well great, that just meant one more week of me torturing myself.

The appointment wasn't actually all that exciting in and of itself. We found out nothing new, the baby is doing fine and has a strong heart beat. The great part, however, is that we made the appointment. The next big thing on our list... November 1st is the day we get to find out what we are having. Well, not what we are having exactly. Cause we pretty much already know we are having a baby, and I'm kind of counting on the fact that it's human. But I mean we get to find out if Lil' Peanut (name courteous of ToG and Rogue) has girl parts or a boy thingy. I will address this topic a little more in depth when it's closer.

As for now, we have one more appointment between now and then. Mrspatrick was very excited the other day when she was told that she is starting to show. It came from my mom, but it was still very exciting... for the both of them. During ToG and Rogue's wedding she had a little bit of the poochy belly in the beautiful dress that Rogue had them wearing, but it seems like even in the last week the poochy belly is becoming a little more prominent. Hopefully I will have some pictures before too long to put up. In the mean time she is loving to go clothes shopping and anxiously waiting to go baby shopping, using every bit of her restraint and self control to hold off until we can buy a little more gender specifically.

I will try to be better about blogging more regularly, and I think it will become a little bit easier. It's true that not a lot has been happening, but I have a feeling that this is just the calm before the storm. In the mean time, if you have contact with Mrspatrick, be gentle, and don't judge. You try growing a human sometime and see how it feels!

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Wow... That Didn't Take Long

Sorry it's been so long since I posted. I've actually had a post in mind for quite sometime now, but I've had a hard time getting it out. Before I get into all that, though, I did want to take just a second and tie up some loose ends from the last post. I just wanted to thank That One Guy, and Rogue for helping me with getting this all figured out, and especially to Rogue for her creative genius. They both have answered many a geek question for me. So thank you guys.

So the whole thing is starting to sink in now. Trust me, we are both still very excited. When you first find out there is still that thought in the back of your mind that won't let you quite believe it. I constantly found myself thinking, "What if it was a mistake? What if the Docs are wrong?" Even after that first doctors appointment where we got the picture from there was still a little bit of doubt. But since then the doubt has been washed away. We had another doctors appointment last week, and this time instead of just seeing the babies heartbeat as a flicker, we got to hear it. It was amazing. The doctor was very happy, cause it was stronger and a lot faster then the last time. I don't know what it was about it, but there was just something about hearing the strong "Thump-thump... thump-thump" that made the thing a whole lot more concrete. And so here we are, entering month number 3.

Mrspatrick and I have talked now for a very long time about how pregnancy is going to be, what we expect what we want to make happen, etc. Some things that we have discussed, even before marriage, as many dating couples do, have stuck around. We have known for a long time that we want reading to be a strong part of our house, so I am reading to the baby, even as they are just developing their ear organs, I will be reading to them. Then, as they are born, that tradition will not die, and we will set aside time each night to read to our baby. Some things have changed as well, we thought for sure that we had names for our future children long ago. But now that we actually have a baby coming, our ideas on that subject have also changed, but that, perhaps, is for another post.

Mrspatrick and I both enjoy mystery and surprises, and for that reason we have always said that we were not going to find out if we were going to have a boy or a girl, and we would wait and see when they are born. About a week and a half ago we were laying in bed, turning in for the night. It was a Wednesday night, to be exact, one week after we found out that we were going to have a baby. Mrspatrick rolls over and breaks the silence asking, "So... um... how set are you on not wanting to find out the sex of the baby?"

One week? 7 whole days? That's all it lasted? Now before we get too critical of Mrspatrick I must admit that I was also mulling the idea around of finding out the gender of our baby beforehand. It is a lot more convenient for everybody. People have a better idea of what to get you, and you have a better idea of how to decorate. Also we really want to have a little boy, so it would be nice to have a little bit of a warning that the baby is going to come out with different equipment, if you know what I mean. So she is not the only one that was thinking about it... but a week!?! Wow... that didn't take long. I guess I just expected it to last up until the point where the doctor asks us, "So do you want to know what it is?" And then we would give each other a knowing look and give in. But no, it only took us a week of suspense before we caved.

I guess it just goes to show you that you can plan and dream all you want, but until you are actually living that dream, you may not really know exactly what you want. But I guess that is half the fun.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Well, I Knocked Her Up... Now What?!?

Hello Blogoshere! I have finally arrived, and with much ado! That's right, as you have probably guessed from the title, MrsPatrick is pregnant! We are very excited to be having this bundle of joy arriving sometime in mid-March. There are a lot of things to look forward to, and be nervous about. We have a long way to go until the Big Day, and that's pretty much what this blog will be about. There is sure to be a rollercoaster of a ride yet to come, and I am determined to make the best of it, and share my experience as a husband with the rest of you.

So let's get things started...

It all started when MrsPatrick wasn't feeling very good. After missing several days of work she went into the doctor, and lo and behold... little bundle of joy on the way! Needless to say, we were ecstatic, and we couldn't wait to share the news with anyone we know. MrsPatrick's mom cried (with joy), and my mom flipped out (she's been waiting for that for a while) and just like that, the ball was rolling.

The next day we took a trip to the hospital (where I happen to work, by the way), and got our first glimpse at the little sucker. After several hours of a lot of grey matter on the screen, I got my first look. Let's see, how do I describe it... it was small, I think the measurement on the screen was something like .63 cm. Pretty much it looked like a seahorse with a blinker. The blinker, however, is the heartbeat. Pretty cool as far as I'm concerned, only six weeks old, and the heart is already lighting up the whole place.

That's pretty much all that's happened so far. Not a whole lot of time has elapsed for anything to happen. But I can't wait, and neither can the Soon-To-Be-Mommy. I'll be sure to keep you all posted, and I hope that you will come share all the fun, crazy, and emotional moments with us.